Testimony: Be Sentenced to 'Death' Twice but now Serving Jesus Full Time

Tianxin Wu's Family
1/3Tianxin Wu's Family(Photo: Photo provided to CCD)
Tianxin Wu's Family
2/3Tianxin Wu's Family(Photo: Photo provided to CCD)
Tianxin Wu and his wife
3/3Tianxin Wu and his wife(Photo: Photo provided to CCD)
By CCD Contributor: Tianxin Wu August 23rd, 2016

God's calling has his own time and method. Thank God's. His chosen grace came unto me who didn't deserve at all.

I was called because of a serious disease and then I knew Jesus and received Salvation. I am 30 years old and had suffered constant chronic illness, I used to be sentenced to "death" by the doctor. But because of God's love calling I have gone from death to life and live until now. Now I'm a preacher, it's my glorious duty. May glory to my dear heavenly father.

My mother became a Christian when I was in primary school. At that time, I was ignorant to Christian belief but my mother was very zealous for the Lord. It was a casual chance she was moved and decided to offer me to God, preparing to be a preacher in the future. Even my mother didn't know what should a preacher do, she only knew that believing Jesus can bring wonderful and eternal blessings.

My age of 14 is the darkest and most painful year in my life. An evening during the winter vocation, I had a fever. At first I thought I had caught an ordinary cold, so I just ate febrifuge and then fell asleep. But at 3 o'clock in the morning, I didn't feel very well so I sat up from the bed. Then I spit something from mouth. I turned on the light and found it was not some common vomitus, it was blood! My parents quickly came to my house after heard that, they were indeed frightened, and I felt unprecedented fear in my heart. After day broke, my parents quickly brought me to Shangqiu People's Hospital and let me be checked. The result was that I had a disease which named ascites due to cirrhosis. They couldn't accept this result, except sadness. Worries in their heart, they were afraid of losing me.

After that, the next half year's job was to be treated. I have eaten nearly 200 doses of Chinese medicines I was almost dipped in the medicine vat. Although I was not very clearly what kind of disease I'm suffering, but I know it was not an ordinary disease. After half a year's recuperate, I felt I was recovered already, I hope to go back to school like my other peers. But the reality beaten me back to the painful life. After half a year, the same thing happened again, at 3 o'clock in the morning, I have spit lots of blood on the ground. This time the doctor's check was much more serious than last time and I won't be live in the world very long. The doctor said if things went well, I can live for 1 year. This sad news left my parents in desperate deep sorrows.

So I began my life in the hospital. Taking an injection per day was part of my daily life. My hands were full of numerous pinholes, I didn't feel its power and values; Taking medicine was also part of my daily life. My stomach was all filled with Western medicine or Chinese medine, it seems that any other things has no relations to my stomach. I did diuresis during these days, because there were some water in my belly, it need to be drained away. I was so painful and I felt the only hope for me was to die. I didn't find any light in my life. But after seen my poor parents, my heart was so broken. My parents tried their best way for me, they didn't want to give up me, but the only return I could gave them was only a forced smile.

After returning home from hospital, it could be thought I was waiting to die. My mother brought me to the church for God's help, she invited many brothers and sisters to pray for me. One day, my mother happened to thought many years ago she had made a promise of offering me to God. Then she talked this with me and encouraged me to studied theology. So, I began the traing in the theology school for half a year. In 2005, I was admitted to the He'nan province Bible school, I studied very hard to equip myself, after 2 years studying I served in my hometown's church.

Hallelujah! Give glory to the Lord,the doctor said I couldn't live more than one year, but the result is because of God's grace I could live for a few yeas. Quickly I was old enough to get married. Because my disease was very serious, so there was not even one people made matchmaking for me. But God say, " I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion", no mind has conceived what God prepared for those who love him. In 2007, I met my wife when I was serving, and we both were theology students. In 2008, we got married, and God bless us to admit to Hubei South China Seminary. My father-in-law is a preacher, my mother-in-law is a sister who  loves Jesus very much and in my family had beautiful witness.

In 2009, this is the second time I experienced God's power. At that time, I was in the 2rd year as a theology student. On Christmas day, I felt there were something wrong in my body, many students saw me emaciation with sallow complexion, they suggested me to did some checks in the hospital. Then I went to Wuhan Armed Police Force Hospital with my wife, at that time the doctor said," You should live in the hospital now, because even a small wound in your body can bring you death". The blood sample showed: The normal people blood platelet have100-300 units, but I only have only 18. Because of lacking money, I went to my hometown with my wife.

We went to the ShangQiu People's hospital for a complete checkup, drew blood, checked the marrow, did B ultrasonic, these projects torments me skinny, but I was very grateful that my wife always be with me and encouraged me, I knew actually, she was very distressed. She should not only take care of my feelings, but also comfort my parents. I didn't know what kind of disease I had suffered in the beginning.Several years later, when I shared my witness with my wife, then I knew the doctor had sentenced me to death, I just could live for a few month. But my wilfe always accompanied with me and prayed for me. When she shared this, she said at that time she was also very painful, but God told her, "The sickness will not end in death, it is for God's glory". So we made a decision with faith, didn't live in the hospital any more, entrust everything to God, it is not a wager, but we put our eyes in Jesus with faith. I had not experienced a jab nor taken a medicine, I live full of strength depend on God's grace until now. My respond to my heavenly father is I will serve him with all my heart and all my strength when I living in the earth.

Give glory to our Heavenly Father God once again! I graduated from theology school in 2012, on August, with God's mission, we couple came to Heshan, Guangdong province to serve here full time. Now, I had a happy family, God granted me a wife who loves me and my two dear daughters. What's more, we have 2 pair of parents who encourage me in serving God. All of these are God's grace and gracious. Come and take refuge to God, he wil bring you peace which trancends all understanding and give you hope of eternal life.

 (The author Tianxin Wu comes from He'nan province, now serve full time in Heshan, Guangdong province)

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