Glass Walkway in China, is it safe?

(photo: Pixabay)
By Michelle GuanzonApril 6th, 2016

Imagine this scenario: You are out of town visiting a beautiful mountain in the countryside. Part of the trip will take you to a steep mountain cliff. At the top, visitors can go and walk through the bridge made of glasses which is about 1,000 meters above sea level. This scenario sounds exciting much?

However, part of the flooring cracks. There are loud noises and some glasses appear to break up. This is what the tourists just recently experienced during their visit to the ever famous Yuntai Mountain in Henan province in China.

The glass skywalk had been open for few weeks already. The Yuntai Mountain Geological Park said there was no reason for worry and that the cracks had "noimpact on safety."

However, online discussion about this matter has another opinion. Critics say China has issue wuth poor quality of workmanship and poor crowd control.

"This is no joke. Tourismis taking your life in your own hands. No more of these glass walkways. Justtoo scary," one comment on Weibo site.

The Yuntai Mountain officials said that the cracks were not serious. And to make sure people's safety, they have closed the glass walkway and will not open it until repairs are excellently made. 



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