Pastor Urges Churches to Focus on Gospel, Rather Than Church Systems, Theology

A Bible with a cross
A Bible with a cross (photo:
By Sophia LiuJanuary 10th, 2024

When discussing the future development of the church in the post-pandemic era, Reverend Liang, who ministers in a city in South China, emphasized that Christians’ primary focus should be on the gospel rather than on the structure, institution, or theology of the church.

With the understanding that the gospel is the source of the church’s renewal, Liang placed great importance on explaining the gospel in an interview with the Christian Times, an online Christian newspaper in China. Different from many other pastors, he highlighted the learning and understanding of certain worldly things, believing that they should not be completely rejected. For instance, he cited some positive developments and good works in society, considering them to be manifestations of God's grace. However, when compared to the gospel, he emphasized that it’s the gospel that holds power.

"What China needs most is the gospel," he firmly declared. He observed that Chinese churches and Christians tend to pursue what they believe they lack. If they feel they lack structure, institution, or theology, they turn to certain denominations and established teachings. Liang acknowledged that structures, institutions, and theology are all good, but people fail to see the gospel underpinning them. He stated, "We need the gospel of salvation." However, human beings tend to grasp onto the attractive leaves and flowers while neglecting the root, which is the most important.

"History is a source of lessons; we can learn from countries where Christianity has experienced revivals, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy. However, we must understand that each nation has its own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses that cannot be replicated." Additionally, he emphasized, "God never repeats Himself."

After the pandemic, some churches have developed well and succeeded. However, copying them directly would be a mistake because, often, this is like Saul's armor, which was not suitable for David. "We should learn from successful church cases, but the key is to seek God's guidance," stressed Liang.

His view of history suggests that all changes in the world are for the better dissemination of the gospel. For instance, the geographical location of the Roman Empire (spanning three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe), the roads (all roads lead to Rome), and the unity of culture and language were beneficial for the spread of the gospel around the world.

Today, the same rule applies. "Whether it's Reformed, Charismatic, or Evangelical, as long as there is zeal for the gospel, God will bless. Being willing to be passionate about the gospel leads to development." He noticed that while some denominations and churches have many flaws and issues, they still succeed because of the gospel. When the churches focus on the gospel instead of trivial matters, many conflicts diminish.

He also testified that the believers in his church, by striving to live out the core of the gospel, received feedback and encouragement and became more confident in sharing the gospel, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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