Hubei Conducts Hearing on Decoration of Staff Relocation Housing

Hubei Provincial CC&TSPM held a meeting among all pastoral staff and a hearing on the decoration of staff's relocation housing in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, on April 16 and 19, 2024.
Hubei Provincial CC&TSPM held a meeting among all pastoral staff and a hearing on the decoration of staff's relocation housing in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, on April 16 and 19, 2024. (photo: Hubei Provincial TSPM)
By Mark Cui April 29th, 2024

The Hubei Provincial Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (CC&TSPM) held a general meeting of all pastoral and clerical staff and a hearing on the decoration of staff relocation housing.

According to Hubei Provincial TSPM, at the conference on April 16, Rev. Zhiguo Zhu, chairman of Hubei TSPM, issued a special notice on the rental strategy and allocation plan for the turnover housing of the staff members. He emphasized ensuring that the rights and interests of each staff member are protected based on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness.

At the hearing on April 19, the decoration company proposed the concept of "Quality, Environmental Protection, Fashion, and Practicality,"  promising to create a "functional and beautiful living space" for them according to their living habits and aesthetic needs.

- Translated by Emily Qu


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