China Christian Council Receives United Bible Societies

A delegation from United Bible Societies (UBS) and representatives of CCC&TSPM took a group picture in the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, on April 11, 2024.
A delegation from United Bible Societies (UBS) and representatives of CCC&TSPM took a group picture in the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, on April 11, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangApril 23rd, 2024

Ms. Elaine Duncan, chair of the Global Council of the United Bible Society and chief executive of the Scottish Bible Society, led a twelve-person delegation to visit CCC&TSPM to discuss the translation, publication, and distribution of the Bible, as well as translation talent development.

On April 11, Rev. Xu Xiaohong, chairman of the National TSPM, stated that the UBS has been involved in the development process of the Bible ministry in Chinese churches, reported CCC&TSPM. He declared that the needs of Chinese Christians have evolved from access to the Bible to the quality of translations, and that the challenge faced by printed Bibles is being solved by incorporating Chinese elements and modern designs. Xu also noted the challenges posed by heresies and cults, emphasizing the need for proper biblical teaching and the improvement of clergy quality. Additionally, he shared that Chinese churches are engaged in producing translations that are faithful to the original texts while also meeting contemporary standards. Expecting support from the United Bible Societies, the registered church leader wished UBS to refut the international rumor that the Chinese churches were seeking to change the Bible.

Ms. Elaine Duncan expressed her pleasure at being able to visit CCC&TSPM again with anticipation for further cooperation between the two parties.

Rev. Geng Weizhong, vice president of the China Christian Council (CCC), said that it is a common issue worth solving that how they could deepen the cooperation and train biblical translators and scholars.

The next day, the delegation visited the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary. 

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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